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Purpose To Abundance - Be The Best You - London


Date of beginning

Monday, 18 June 2018


1 day

Deadline for abstracts

Monday, 18 June 2018




United Kingdom




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Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between:* Success and failure?* Happiness and unhappiness?* Fulfillment or unfulfillment? That difference is what every successful person has to master to live a great life.However, we often live an average life, have an average job, an average relationship and an average social life. And then we feel depressed or unhappy because we count our days go by. Without a real sense of meaning and purpose. If you don't want to be average, but you want to know how to make your wildest dreams come true, then keep reading. You are in the right place. How would it be if you were able to wake every morning smiling your way to your job or business?Imagine that feeling of fulfilment for a moment. Wouldn't life be great?To help you experience this and more in your life, every single day, we have created an event that will change your life forever. FREE Entry only with a ticket via: These are the speakers that will help you unlock your potential. 1. Ian Philip JamesHow you can literally eat what you want, when you want and STILL lose weight.Why it's what you put in to your mind rather than your mouth that matters.The one vitamin that will literally supercharge your results and make dieting effortless. 2. Susanne WiechertThree Surprising Ways For Growth* Perception = Projection.* How much influence do you have in what you create in your outer world, as a result of what's in your inner world? Learn to see beyond your limitations.* Food for thought.* What are you missing in not knowing which foods and beverages affect your performance and ultimately your results?* Growth with Gratitude* More than just a "thank you" or writing a list...awaken your spirit, true appreciation and notice the unfolding of abundance before you. 3. Jim DoyleAre you your grandparents?* Does that scare you?* Do you really want to change?* How you can create change Venue Details: Park Plaza, Central London, London W1U 6LJ, United Kingdom. Time: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Category: Conferences | Business & Economics | Business | Startups. Sub-Categories:Conferences | Health | Wellness,Classes / Courses | Professional Training | Meetup & Networking | Startups. Artists / Speakers: Ian Phillip James, Susanne Wiechert, Simone Vincenzi, Jim Doyle. Tickets: