Data base for:

  • Conferences
  • Research funding opportunities
  • Competitions / Awards

Register for free and add any data by yourself!

See How to

1. User profile

You can view and edit your user profile with clicking on the "view profile" link on the leftern side (red arrow on the left).

In the following profile view, you can edit your profile with the "edit profile" button on to right top (red arror on the right).

Please check & update your user profile!


2. Conferences & conference management

On the leftern side you can edit your profile (green arrow) and that box you can filter the conferences.

The red arrow shows you the main filter options "All, Upcoming and Past". Here you can select the view of your choices.

The blue arrow shows your personal options when you are logged in. You can manage your conferences under "My conferences" or submit a new conference with "Add conference".



3. Manage your conferences

Under the point "My conferences" you can manage your own conferences. You will see a list of entries.

You can edit one entry with the pencil icon or delete it with the sign in red (red marked area).

Also you can add new conferences with the "Add Item" button (green).