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Int'l Conference on Pharmaceutical Engineering and Technology(CPET 2024)


Date of beginning

Friday, 15 November 2024


3 days

Deadline for abstracts

Tuesday, 15 October 2024








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Int’l Conference on Pharmaceutical Engineering and Technology (CPET 2024)    Website: Date:November 15-17, 2024 Venue: Sanya, China Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Tel: +86 13264702250   Int’l Conference on Pharmaceutical Engineering and Technology (CPET 2024) will be held during November 15-17, 2024 in Sanya, China. This conference will primarily focus on topics related to Pharmaceutical Engineering and Technology, ranging from pre-formulation and formulation to stability studies and bioequivalence. Additionally, it will cover other relevant subjects in the field. The conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, industry professionals, and experts to exchange knowledge, present their latest findings, and discuss advancements in the field of pharmaceutical engineering and technology.    Sanya is superior in geography climate and natural resources. It is known as “the oriental Hawaii" and “Sunshine City” because of its special tropical scenes as well as its attractive nature. Sanya's tourist resources, richly endowed by nature, are not only special in China, but also rare in the world. It is a most fashionable place where tropical marine tourist resources are closely concentrated and lovers of swimming can enjoy their holidays in winter. Within the city, well-known tourist spots are dotted everywhere--the national Yalong Tourist Area, the Tianyahaijiao, the Great Eastern Sea, the Luhuitou Peninsula, Sanya Bay and the Luobi Grotto. Besides these, there remain the ancient Yazhou City and relics and a sculpture of the Monk Jianzhen of the Tang Dynasty, who landed ashore to avoid the storm when he was sailing eastwards to Japan. We look forward to seeing you in Sanya during November 15-17, 2024!       Attendance Methods Full Paper submission Submit full paper ( Regular Attendance + Paper Publication + Presentation ) You are invited to submit papers and participate in our academic exchange. One author will be invited to make an oral presentation and the paper will be published by peer-reviewed open access journal and submitted to CNKI for indexing. 2.Abstract submission Submit abstract ( Regular Attendance + Abstract + Presentation ) You are welcome to submit abstract for oral presentation or poster presentation. 3.Regular Attendance ( No Submission Required )  You're also welcome to attend our conference (without submitting full paper or abstract). Publication: All the accepted papers will be published by a peer-reviewed open access journal that can ensure the widest dissemination of your published work, for more information, please contact us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).Index: CNKI and Google ScholarNote:1. Manuscripts should be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript through the online registration/submission system or official email.2. If you want to present your research results but do NOT wish to publish a paper, you may simply submit an Abstract only.3. All manuscripts are expected to be prepared as a single PDF or MS Word document with the complete text, references, tables and figures included. Any revised manuscripts prepared for publication should be sent as a single editable Word document. LaTex paper is also acceptable for publication, but it should be in PDF for review first.4. Please click Template for Manuscripts button to download the Full Paper template and prepare your article according to it. The full length of one paper is suggested to be about 15 pages (within the template format with all tables, figures and references). If your paper is over 20 pages, you will be kindly requested to pay for extra pages fees.5. The simple Abstract submission should include the title, contents, keywords, authors names, affiliations and emails. The length is suggested to be controlled within 1 page and no more than 2 pages.6. You will receive the review results within 5-7 working days after submission. If you do not get any notification within the time limit, please contact us as soon as possible.7. You are welcome to submit papers in Chinese and please contact us for more details. Contact Us Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Tel: +86 13264702250 QQ: 1349406763 WeChat: 3025797047  Twitter: conf_Committee Official Account: Academic Communications       Topics: The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:    Pre-Formulation Studies Drug Formulation Procedures Drug Product Manufacturing Nanotechnology for Enhancing Bioavailability of Poorly Soluble Drugs Novel Drug Target Approaches Recent Advance in Medical Devices Pharmaceutical Engineering Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Technology Technologies in Drug Delivery Pharmaceutical Formulations Regulatory Requirements for Pharmaceuticals Methodological Advancements in Pharmaceutical Industries Drug Safety Adverse Drug Reactions Quality Control in Pharmacovigilance Processes Good Pharmacovigilance Practice Pharmacovigilance Risk Management Plans and New Risk- Benefit Analysis Tools Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Overview of Clinical Trials and Post Marketing Clinical Trials on Various Disorders Biological Activity of Drugs Biopharmaceutics Regulatory Affairs Growth Strategies in Pharma Pharmacy Practices and Its Challenges Factors of Drug Addiction Dosage and Frequency of Use Different Effects of the Same Drug Nervous System Drug Effect Drug Action Drug-Induced Changes Effects Placebo Effect Neurotransmitters Physical and Psychological Side Effects Blood–Brain Barrier Therapeutic Dose of the Drug