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We invite you to join us at the upcoming AD/PD™ 2024 International Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases and related neurological disorders in Lisbon, Portugal on March 5-9, 2024. The groundbreaking series of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases Conferences attract international medical and scientific professionals worldwide. The Conference remains at the forefront of unraveling the mechanisms and improving the treatment of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other related neurodegenerative diseases. AD/PD™ Conferences uniquely combine distinct neurodegenerative diseases in one setting and examine their similarities and differences; a strong focus is mechanisms of disease, prevention, and therapy. The AD/PD™ Conference has become the main event of the year in the field of neurodegenerative diseases, attracting leading medical and scientific professionals from around the world. AD/PD™ is now an annual meeting, with a continuing focus on the ADVANCES IN SCIENCE and THERAPY of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases and related neurological disorders. The forthcoming AD/PD™ meeting, in 2024 will take place as a Hybrid Conference in the beautiful city of Lisbon, Portugal, and online. The continuing success of the AD/PD™ meetings is the result of several key ingredients: 1) A high-quality scientific program covering most recent research, developments, and treatments, with emphasis on overlaps and congruent results among AD, PD, and related neurological disorders.2) A multidisciplinary mix of participants representing both clinical investigators and basic scientists; as well as both established investigators and young upcoming talents.3) An International Scientific Advisory Board covering a broad range of expertise in AD, PD, and related neurological disorders.4) A concerted attempt to provide an ambiance at the Conference that encourages interaction, exchange of ideas, and networking opportunities among all participants.5) Junior Faculty Awards, intended to encourage attendance by young scientists at the Conference. The reason for the continuing success of the AD/PD™ meetings is their uniqueness, their academic quality combined with the interactive and collegial environment. We believe that there is no other conference in the world that presents such a high level of science in a condensed manner on one hand, yet on the other hand, provides an enormously comfortable atmosphere in which to enjoy it all. We invite you to join us at the AD/PD™ 2024 International Conference on AD and PD, and we hope to welcome you in the Spring of 2024, in Lisbon or online. URLs:Tickets: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: YouTube: Website: Date and Time: On Tue, 05 Mar 2024 07:00 - Sat, 09 Mar 2024 19:30 Venue Details: Lisbon Congress Centre, 1 Praca das Industrias, Lisboa, 1300-307, Portugal Prices:Full participant (Onsite): EUR 850.00,Low and Lower-middle income countries (Onsite): EUR 570.00,Trainee **(Student/Nurse/Fellow) (Onsite): EUR 400.00,Full participant (Online): EUR 400.00,Trainee **(Student/Nurse/Fellow) (Online): EUR 300.00 Speakers: Abraham Fisher, Roger M. Nitsch, Manfred Windisch, Ezio Giacobini, Gabriel Gold, Cynthia Lemere, Henrietta Nielsen, Koichi Tanaka, Thomas Sudhof, Pamela McLean, Ken Marek, Henne Holstege, Rita Guerreiro, Michal Goedert, Howard Fillit, Melissa Murray, Marc Diamond, Bart De Strooper, Frank Laferla, Jeffrey Cummings, Charlotte Teunissen, Tiago Outerio, Ken Marek