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5th International Conference on Telecommunications, Optics and Computer Science


Date of beginning

Thursday, 05 December 2024


3 days

Deadline for abstracts

Monday, 30 September 2024






Dr. Amy Su


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TOCS2024 invites the submissions of original and significant research papers to be published in the conference proceedings. Each submission is anonymously reviewed by an average of two independent reviewers, to ensure the final high standard and quality of submitted papers. All accepted papers will be published by SPIE, and sent to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing. Contributions are sought in the following areas: Photonic Switching Devices, Systems, and Networks Optical Signal Processing and Microwave Photonics Microwave Photonic Devices and Systems Photonic Switching Networks and Controls Optical Devices and Sensors Performance Monitoring and Sensing Technologies Photonic Technologies for Datacenter and High-Performance Computing Photonics in Machine Learning Devices Fibers & Optical Communication Optical Wireless Techniques Quantum Communication Systems Transmission Technologies and Communication Theory Novel Applications Enabled by Telecommunication Networking Systems Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Technologies and Systems Green Networking Technologies Emerging Communication Technologies and Applications Communication Software Next Generation Networks and Services Signal Processing and Coding Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Communications Computer Communication Networks Machine Learning for Photonics and Communications Web Tools and Applications Cloud Computing IoT Technologies and Applications Multimedia and Virtual Reality Systems Software Defined Networks Artificial Intelligent Systems Applications in Computers and Communications Important Dates Submission Deadline: September 30, 2024 Notification of Acceptance: October 20, 2024 Registration Deadline: November 20, 2024 Submission Guidelines -Authors must make sure that their submissions do not substantially overlap works which have been published elsewhere or simultaneously submitted to other journals or conferences with proceedings. -All submitted papers should be within FOI of the conference. -The submission file shall be in Microsoft Word, PDF, or WordPerfect document file format. -All URL addresses in the text (e.g., are activated and ready to click. -All submissions should be written in English with a varying length from 4 to 8 pages including figures and references. -All submissions should be strictly followed the format of the of the Paper Template. -All submissions should be submitted directly to conference e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..